Weekly blog #9

– What is media literacy?
Media literacy is the ability to distinguish true and false information perceived from media. The establishment of digital identity relies on media literacy since it is the most fundamental and essential skill that enables individuals to construct their digital identities.

– Why is it important?
Julie Smith mentioned a common dilemma called “2+2=5.” (3:00) By using this dilemma, she refers to the situations when internet users draw wrong conclusions from false information from media sources. Though it may seem apparent that 2+2=4, users may arrive at erroneous conclusions because the media sources have become complicated and numerous in recent years. Moreover, Smith argues that users tend to believe in the news that they find naturally agreed because the choice by design implants in human nature. (19:44)

Besides the subjective problem of human nature, we also should be aware that news industries are business firms that aim money as an end goal, and thus, news feed people what they want to best generate its financial outcome. (21:50). Taking the example of Donald Trump’s election as the United States government, his political and leadership competency did not account for his election success. Instead, it is the popular American culture that prefers a brave and somewhat distinct political figure that helped Trump secure his presidency. (25:50)

– Why is it dismissed?
Besides personal subjectivity that could misguide individuals and prevent us from arriving at accurate and valid information from media sources, fear comes in the first place when the media has gained momentum in social life. Parents were worried about kids being exposed to online information. (9:55) Instead of fear, I would argue that we need to adapt to this change, especially in circumstances as it becomes inevitable.

What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

Having a PLN that values media literacy would lead to respect for others’ digital identity as well as yours. Though media resources could complicate the learning environment, students can also benefit from them. By learning how to use media resources and media creation tools, students could create communication products that enhance the learning experience. (Trilling, 2012)As we learned that news is not an objective reflection of reality, developing media literacy skills could help us understand how the media impacts our society and develop the necessary skills to accommodate it. (Trilling, 2012) By accepting changes and embracing media literacy, I hope it could positively affect young people in online learning and communication.


Media Literacy – Facts Matter – Course YouTube Channel https://youtu.be/Z_T9RghwJlI

21st Century Skills – Learning for Life In Our Times Trilling, B & Fadel, C – Digital Literacy Skills – Media Literacy Chapter 4 pp.66 https://learning-oreilly-com.ezproxy.library.uvic.ca/library/view/21st-century-skills/9780470475386/fade_9780470475386_oeb_c04_r1.html

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